Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Phrasal verbs using the verb 'to come'

Phrasal verbs, part 1 - using 'to come'

Definition: Phrasal verbs are combinations of verbs with prepositions, adverbs or other verbs, to make a unit, which is taken for granted by native English speakers. Unfortunately, there isn't a rule by which you can learn them, you simply have to take them one by one, as with collocations and of course, idioms.

Here are some common ones using the verb 'to come'.
Come about - to happen, occur.
“That's how the Second World War came about - because of a network of alliances”.

Come across. - to encounter something or someone, usually unexpectedly.
“I came across Mrs Henry when I was at the shop this morning”.

Come up to - to approach something.
“Bob walked over the brow of the hill, and came up to the church where he knew he would see Maria.”

Come along - to accompany someone.
“Hey, Joe” my sister called “do you want to come along to see the lawyer about buying the house, with me?”

Come alongside - to approach very closely.
“As the bus came alongside my car, I saw the woman I had suspected of following me”.

Come around- to change one's mind.
“At first, Sarah didn't want to study geology, but I knew she would come around sooner or later”.

Come down on- to scold or punish.
“My mother really came down hard on me, for making my sister cry”.
There's also an idiom with the same meaning - “she came down on me like a tonne of bricks about it”.

Come down - to accompany someone to a specific place.
“Would you come down to the Post office with me? I need you to sign the car registration form”

Come on - phrase used to cajole or encourage.
“Come on, Cathy, you can do it!”
“Come on, if you do not hurry up, we'll miss the train!”

Come out - to appear
“The sun came out as Linda left the house, chasing the clouds away and warming her cold hands”
and (figuratively)
To reveal something about oneself.
“Steven came out as a fan of anime, although he was afraid of being laughed at”.

Come through. To triumph after having endured something.
“Fortunately, I came through the accident with only a sprained wrist”

come up with- to produce or supply.
“I didn't think Carol had any ideas about her essay, but suddenly she came up with enough information to make a start.”.

come to (someone)- remember or recall.
“I was so embarrassed... I met a really friendly woman at the shopping centre and I know I know her, I just can't remember her name! Oh well, it will come to me”.

Come to - to regain consciousness.
“Linda was unconcious for 2 days after the car crash, but she came to on Friday morning”

Come with - to accompany. Sometimes used (notably in episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) on its own without any subject - for example “Do you want me to come with?” But the more usual usage is:
“I'm going for a walk, do you want to come with me?”

These are the phrasal verbs using the verb 'to come'. It's possible there are more that I am unaware of - if you know of any more, and want them explained or included, please feel free to let me know!
As you can see, one or two of them have more than one meaning, which must be discerned from the context.

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